
Under the menu option Project Management, you can find all files of the EU-CERT Project Management (PM).

Under the menu options starting with Project Result, you can find the results of the EU-CERT project (PR).

There are seven PRs (Project Results) in EU-CERT. The results of the PRs will appear on the menu items during the duration of the project EU-CERT.

The file names of the PMs and PRs contain information about PM and the number of the PR, the number of the activity, the number of the partner and, if applicable, the language in which the output is available. In addition, a short title gives a substantive indication of what a file is about.

The partners have the following abbreviations:
P1 – UPB – University of Paderborn, Germany(Coordinator)
P2 – IK – Ingenious Knowledge GmbH, Germany
P3 – RUTIS – Associação Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade, Portugal
P4 – TIR – TIR Consulting Group j.d.o.o., Croatia
P5 – ESQUARE – Esquare, France
P6 – STANDO– STANDO Ltd, Cyprus

Abbreviations of the languages:
DE – German
EN – English
PT – Portuguese
HR – Croatian
FR – French
GR – Greek

Types of files:
PR – file concerning a Project Result
PM – file concerning Project Management

Example of a name with explanations:
This file contains data about Project Result 1 (PR1), created by partner P1 (also UPB) with regard to the project EU-CERT concerning a report in English.

Project management / Dissemination



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PR 1: EU-CERT – Research on Quality criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures

PR 2: EU-CERT – Concept Design for Accredition and Certification Processes

PR 4: EU-CERT Accreditation Handbook

All partner languages: